House Sitting Opportunity.   Cheyenne, Wyoming

House Sitting in Cheyenne, Wyoming

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Location:   Cheyenne, Wyoming

Assignment Description:

My 14 year old friendly cats are looking for someone to stay with them in our cozy little 1960s home in a residential neighborhood in Cheyenne, WY. The house sitter can use the spacious guest room and bath in the finished basement or use the guest room on the main floor of the house.
Cats need to be fed canned food twice a day. One of the 2 cats needs to be taken outside into the fenced in yard once a day, preferably mid-day. The other was diagnosed with early stage kidney disease on November 6th so he needs subcutaneous fluids once/week which can be done at the vet's office. They like people and being brushed.
Indoor plants will need watering.